One of the most useful functions in Excel is a function that shows unique values from a range. There is a native UNIQUE function but it doesn't do the job very well and isn't supported by older Excel versions, so let me present an alternative.

Here is a VBA code for Unique-values function (it goes with alphabetical sorting here):


' Source:
' Description: Deleting dublicates and forming the unique-values array

Function UniqValues(SourceRange As Variant) As Variant
    On Error Resume Next: Dim cell As Range, coll As New Collection, txt\(

    SourceArr = SourceRange
    ArrSize = UBound(SourceArr, 1) * UBound(SourceArr, 2)
    For Each cell In SourceRange.Cells
         txt\) = Trim(cell): If Len(txt\() Then coll.Add txt\), txt$
    Next cell
    ReDim uniqarr(1 To ArrSize, 1 To 1)
    For i = 1 To coll.Count: uniqarr(i, 1) = coll(i): Next i

    For i = coll.Count + 1 To ArrSize
        uniqarr(i, 1) = ""
    Next i

    UniqValues = SortABC(uniqarr, 1)

End Function


' Source:
' Description: Alphabetical sorting by selected column
Function SortABC(SourceRange As Variant, ByVal n As Integer) As Variant
 ' Sorting an array of SRTINGS by N-th column, sending empty strings to the end
 SourceArr = SourceRange
If n > UBound(SourceArr, 2) Or n < LBound(SourceArr, 2) Then MsgBox "There's no " & n & " column in the array!", vbCritical: Exit Function
 Dim Check As Boolean, iCount As Integer, jCount As Integer, nCount As Integer
 ReDim tmpArr(UBound(SourceArr, 2)) As Variant
 Do Until Check
 Check = True
 For iCount = LBound(SourceArr, 1) To UBound(SourceArr, 1) - 1
If ((UCase(CStr(SourceArr(iCount, n))) > UCase(CStr(SourceArr(iCount + 1, n))) Or CStr(SourceArr(iCount, n)) = "") And CStr(SourceArr(iCount + 1, n)) <> "") Then
 For jCount = LBound(SourceArr, 2) To UBound(SourceArr, 2)
 tmpArr(jCount) = SourceArr(iCount, jCount)
 If SourceArr(iCount, jCount) = "" Then tmpArr(jCount) = ""
 SourceArr(iCount, jCount) = SourceArr(iCount + 1, jCount)
 SourceArr(iCount + 1, jCount) = tmpArr(jCount)
 Check = False
 End If
 SortABC = SourceArr
End Function


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